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I got a new computer that had microsoft edge programmed into it and as it lead me through the set up it also wanted me to open an account and the next day I got 19 new adult spam from very low life places I contacted them to close the account but it will take 60 day so they say and I am getting 20+ spam per day of which I am putting blocks on but they seem to change the email by a few letters and send me more PLUS I'm having a terrible time typing on here as if someone is trying prevent me from posting this. My sentences are jumping all over and boxing up I guess I have said enough to warn people

Date of experience: November 5, 2018
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Tech support was very nice and took action. I have nothing else to report about this company.
This is the first time this year I had to used this company. They were very supportive. Thank You!

Date of experience: January 17, 2021