Very repetitive content, particularly if you have seen the you tube videos.
Quite negative, parent bashing approach to healing. Promises a lot of support but basically takes as many on the programme as will buy it so support really not there IMHO.
Felt there were some real mental health issues from participants and wondered about the morality of the breakthrough programme accepting certain participants instead of signposting them elsewhere.
BTW A lot of the positive reviews look coached to me but who knows.
I have been on this journey for several years now but could never put the pieces of the puzzle together. I was always looking outward for the answers. The 12 Week Breakthrough Program showed me the path to understanding my inner child, my subconscious programming, my codependency, and that this was where everything originated from. The program also gave me the tools to fix myself and my faulty programming in order to live a more authentic and fulfilling life.
I want to thank Lisa A. Romano and her staff. This program has truly transformed my Life.
I just finished Lisa A. Ramano's 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program. I have wanted to do this for along time and finally I just went for it. I am so grateful that I did.
I did not realize how badly I needed this information. Lisa has such a profound understanding of childhood trauma and the lasting effects. Her caring and insight is evident right from the beginning.
I now have a firm grasp of why I am me. And I am calmer and more at peace with myself.
I am taking the Master Class soon and couldn't be more excited! The more I know, the more I grow! Into the person I was always meant to be. Calm, Relaxed, Confident, Humble, Empathetic, and HAPPY!
Since day one of this program, my life has been completely changed for the better. I have read self-help books for 30 years, including a course in miracles twice, but this program is the only one I've experienced that is really transforming my life deeply, all the way to the root of the problem. To finally look back and acknowledge my past traumas is of course hard to do, but well worth it in the end to finally be able to move on and for once be in the present. I have a picture of my beautiful younger self at my desk which has been one of the best pieces of advice offered int this program. For the first time in my 50 years, I feel seen as the divine innocent being I was born to be. An eternity of gratitude to Mrs. Romano and her staff! Thank you! Xoxoxo
Thank you Mindy! It is an honor to know that the program and the way it is presented has worked to help you heal your life
I wholeheartedly recommend Lisa Romano's Breakthrough Warrior Membership. I was raised in an alcoholic home and was married to an narcissistic man (diagnosed by a professional) for 22 years. A year after leaving my ex, I joined Lisa's 12 week course and it helped me learn so much about my own codependency. I've come to realize that while I'm not to blame for it, it is my responsibility to learn how to handle it and that I have the power to change my behaviour and reactions for the better. Recovery is cumulative and Lisa's course is such an important, hopeful and result-focused source in my journey towards wholeness. Thank you Lisa and team from the bottom of my heart.
I'm incredibly grateful to Lisa for all the tools she has provided to me through the 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program and the Master Class. Her programs (including videos, meditations, livestreams, journaling, and written materials) really resonate with me and have helped me tremendously in shifting my vibration, thought process, and life. Her messages are so powerful, honest, and thoughtful. I would encourage anyone on the path of self-healing to check out her programs!
I decided to take Lisa Romano's 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program because there was a piece I was missing in my healing journey and I just felt stuck. I had been following Lisa Romano's podcast for a while and I truly and believed whatever was stopping me would come to light through this course.
Lisa and her amazing team of moderators create a very caring and safe space to share. I absolutely loved the meditations and the journaling prompts really pushed me to dig deep. The lessons and livestreams each week helped to unravel a lot of false beliefs, shed light on faulty programming and bring new understanding to what had gone wrong.
The breakthrough I had been looking for came in week 11. It was a very spiritually and emotionally charged experience that would take a bit to explain, but I was able to go back and get my missing piece! I feel a shift in energy and I'm looking forward to manifesting the life I want rather than just taking what comes. I highly recommend this course. It is truly life changing!
Erin K.
Hi Erin! As adult children with unhealed trauma, or for those stuck because of the brain's valid, default survival processes, it is not our fault when we fail to launch or do not go after our dreams. In fact, adult children who have been denied love are cut off from their divine, spiritual selves, and without this connection, we don't dream. Instead, we live below the veil of consciousness, operate from this space of consciousness, and never question our version of reality or whether or not other states of consciousness might be available to us. In this course, I attempt to help students shift their awareness of the self incrementally each week because quick fixes do not work. Much like losing five pounds of water on a weekend, by Monday, once you eat a normal meal, the weight returns; it is the same with online courses or any form of personal development work. This course has been designed based on the science of neuroplasticity. It also aims to help stuck adult children move through the stages of self-actualization, which is what Carl Jung refers to as individuation. We start right where you are, stuck, confused, codependent, lost, and afraid, and help expand your understanding of self, thereby nurturing the miraculous power of metacognition. In time, you become what Eckhart Tolle describes as the silent witness, who can observe your inner child's story from an expanded plane of awareness rather than react from this arrested state. For the one who is ready to let go of their attachments to those stories from the past, who commits to the guided meditations, journaling exercises, and homework assignments in this program, and who appreciates the science behind retraining the subconscious mind, this program can work miracles. I want to thank you for blessing me and my team with your unfolding and for this review.
I highly recommend Lisa a Romano. If you were raised by parents who experienced trauma of their own I highly recommend.
I was raised by a borderline mother and a father who was raised by an alcoholic. This caused me a lot of trauma. It was a therapist who "diagnosed" me with trauma but it was Lisa's advice and insight that has helped me heal. Heal along with not blaming my parents but acknowledging what happened and "letting go in love and light."
Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience Christina! Childhood trauma arrests us at the neurological level, and because the mind is more subconscious than conscious and is designed to avoid pain, often we don't realize we are stuck in shame of the past, repeating what was unresolved in childhood. My mission is to help wounded adult children, from any and every generation to awaken so they can understand their subconscious patterns, because until we can see a hole in the wall, we can't fix it. Good for you for finding this space of solace, forgiveness and deep understanding...that's awesome...Keep growing and glowing Dear One!
I debated about taking this course for a few years, and finally did the "on demand" version, and am so happy that I did! Lisa's style (blunt, honest, funny, compassionate) of presenting material works really well for me.
This course is set up so that you get new video material, a new mediation, new journal prompts etc., with a specific focus each week. I found the journal prompts particularly useful. I took longer with the material some weeks, which is really why I enjoyed the on demand version. I think if someone is really ready to put in the work and take a look (with gentle compassion) about what role they play in their own codependent behaviours as an adult, then this course can be extremely helpful to you. Would recommend to anyone who struggles with codependency and/or finds themselves in repeated poor relationships (friends, family, partner) and is ready to want more for themselves!
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this review. This course is not a silver bullet, however, as you have said, if and when someone is ready to look at the role they play when it comes to codependency behaviors, yes, yes, yes, they can completely change their lives for the better! Codependency is a survival strategy. It is not our fault if we are codependent, however, until we awaken and see our part in the subconscious drama, we remain stuck in loops of faulty illogical and self sabotaging thinking. Thank you for digging deep and for finding your light and for letting it shine!
I highly recommend this program! It has literally changed my life! I am so grateful for Lisa and her team that put together a wonderful program for anyone struggling with boundaries and self worth. I am now a completely different person than when I started the program! I am now more confident, self aware and self loving!
Answer: I have been healing and doing self help work for over 20 years. I had been in therapy for 20 years. And Lisa's course was the first time I understood that it wasn't my fault - all the things that happened to me; all the patterns I repeated over and over - it's not my fault. It's my internal programming that I got from childhood. And there was no other way it could be. That lifted a thousand years of pain off me and unlocked something - it's not my fault! I'm not a failure. I simply didn't have the tools I needed to be the success I know I can be because I wasn't taught things when I was younger. How obvious! But only once you are told it and get it.
Answer: I found her videos on youtube and simply couldn't stop watching them. It peaked my interest enough to take a course. I had just come from Tony Robbins' big 6 day $10k event in Florida - and I got more out of Lisa's online course. I'm not dissing Tony - he's right for some people. But right now, Lisa is what I need. She's no nonsense and has lived experience that she draws from - that is what makes a true Teacher and not someone just giving a course. You need to figure it out for yourself - watch her videos and see if they click with you.
Answer: That's so subjective that I don't think anyone can really answer it. We all need different things at different points in our life. I just think all this Lisa bashing on here is some kind of coordinated effort to trash her - and I want to know why. Lisa is great for me. I did her course after a couple years of Tony Robbins, which was after a couple years of Landmark and 20 years of Tibetan Buddhism. And 20 years of therapy. Now I'm also watching and loving Esther Hicks because she's resonating with me. As you grow you change - so only you are going to know who's right for you. Good luck with your search! Just please don't rule Lisa out because of all the mean people on here. Her course was exactly what I needed.
Lisa A. Romano has a rating of 4.1 stars from 83 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with Lisa A. Romano most frequently mention week breakthrough, master class and coaching program. Lisa A. Romano ranks 16th among Books sites.
Hi Matt! Thank you for being a graduate of the LIVE April 2024 12-Week Breakthrough Coaching Program, where we aim to help students awaken, develop self-awareness and self-compassion, and elevate their level of personal accountability by guiding them through a three-month intensive healing program. This course is not a magic bullet. The mind does not change simply because we know what's wrong in a cognitive sense. The subconscious beliefs must be explored and addressed in order to begin this reprogramming process. The subconscious mind holds the keys to our behaviors, thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, yet, when we are children of trauma, we are unaware that the mind and brain are built to deny what causes us pain. Instead, we remain in survival mode, codependent, seeking approval, living in fear of other people's disapproval, all below the veil of consciousness. We are stuck in the past, and have no way of knowing that our current false perceptions are creating our current realities. For that reason, I am so very thankful for your presence in our program, for your participation, vulnerability and willingness to share your wins with me, our moderators and our April 2024 class. You did the work Dear One, and that's why your life is showing shifts and it is improving day by day. LIke a pair of shoes, you have to put them on for them to work to your advantage, an online program such as this is the same. One must be willing to do what is asked to gain the benefits. Thank you again. The world is a brighter, and more compassionate and loving place because you have learned to stop living in resistance to what you could not and should never have tried to change. You are enough!