I joined Lisa's initial 12-Week Breakthrough Program in 2016 and initial Master Class Program in 2017 and will provide feedback both on my own experience and in response to a few other comments that are posted here.
As with many others, I was attracted to Lisa's programs after watching several of her YouTube videos. Lisa's ability to clearly communicate complex ideas and her openness to authentically share from her own experience particularly resonated with me.
Both programs include structured weekly videos, worksheets, meditations, weekly livestream calls, and an online community for group members. This balanced approach offers participants a chance to gain general exposure to program content and also personalized attention (through questions that are answered on livestreams and in the online community). The program is balanced in the tools it provides for cognitive, affective, and behavioral applications. It takes time and repetition for the lessons to sink in, and Lisa admits that her programs are not quick fixes. Still, there is a lot of encouragement to stay on track and to be accountable.
Yes, there is some rehashing of YouTube material, but there is more depth, support, and structure of the content in the programs. I gained more of a grounding in how the pieces fit together. If left to my own resources just by watching YouTube videos, then my growth and development would have been incomplete and hodge podge.
The communal aspect in Lisa's programs is especially encouraging and a big source of inspiration. Lisa's programs aren't only "Lisa's" programs but "our" (the participants) programs as we do the work together and support each other during the process. And Lisa helped to bring us all together.
Yes, the programs are pricey. Yet, there is an initial time period where a full moneyback guarantee is available. I have personally never felt that Lisa has flaunted her lifestyle, as a few people here have suggested. Instead, I feel that she comes from a place of sharing her life openly as an inspiration to others which includes some of the happier moments that may include material stuff. She also spends a lot of time talking about her own life challenges (past and present) with warts and all.
My rating is 4/5 because I believe there is always room for improvement in any program. Still, I am very satisfied with Lisa's programs overall and can recommend them without hesitation.
Brad D.