I have been using this product for a little over two weeks now, and this is my opinion about it so far: It is very easy to take! I usually have trouble swallowing pills, but these are small enough and shaped so that they slide down without a problem. I believe I am starting to have a little more energy, so I am encouraged to keep taking them with hopes that I will also see the extra fat around my waist go away as well.
My wife and I take pre k every morning before breakfast. I am fully awake and ready for anything after about one hour. Amazing energy all day, even late afternoon. I recommend this product for anyone who wants to feel energized all day.
I am a fellow Regenerative Medicine physician and D. O who decided to try Active PK. I have a high tech scale that can measure internal abdominal fat as well as overall fat, lean muscle mass and water content. While I could always loose weight easily by increasing activity and watching what I eat, I could never get the internal fat number to budge much until I started the Active PK. For the readers, the internal fat is what is thought to increase your risk of diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and other serious medical problems. That number is now into the healthy range. I do seem to have more energy in spite of eating less and as I am not really hungry, it is easy to stay on a reduced calorie diet. Great Product. Dr. J.
Hello everyone, I rarely give reviews on anything but I have to admit I am glad for the opportunity to do so. I have been taking the Active Stem powder religiously for 3 months and have noticed a steady boost in energy, memory and endurance with no negative side effects. I monitor my blood pressure and my weight has maintained a steady rate. A highly recommended addition to your supplements
You have to take this product over a long period to see results, in my opinion. My wife strongly believes that I have lost quite a bit of my "turkey wattle" over the last year, something that I have had for a long time. You do not lose turkey wattle without surgery, so I believe that the only possible explanation is Active Stem. I only gave a good review instead of excellent because of the taste. They have Active Stem in pill form, but it does not have all of the ingredients of the powder, so I stick with the powder. I can't guarantee how it will work for others, but I will continue to use it. I'm 70.
Have been taking Telogenesis for about 2 weeks. I am 67 and have Sleep Apnea that I am in the process of getting that under control. I seem to have more energy at the gym and in the afternoon depending on the intensity of my workouts. I am getting ready for fall elk hunting so some workouts are more intense than others. Heavy days require a midmorning power nap to re-energize but there seems to be more energy available in the afternoons since taking Telogenesis. It will be interesting to see what happens when I can get a full rest full nights sleep. I hope to eliminate those morning naps and not feel tired all the time!
I want this and thought of others to help as well, so since I started with Active PK, I'm noticing my stomach is lean and am feeling well. (6 days left in first bottle!)
I've started with Telogenesis, yet am on my first week. Looking forward to noticing more results.
Aiming for optimal health, healing from an injury ( palm tree frond fell on head, neck and back) and building more lean muscle.
Want to be strong and inspire others
I am 71 years old and have some health issues. I was concerned about taking the product because of a review mentioning an irregular heart beat, which I sometimes suffer from due to mitral valve prolapse. I have had some episodes, but only when I eat too much sugar. I have not lost very much weight, only about three pounds so far, but I haven't been restricting calories or been on a diet. What I am noticing is an increase in energy and less pain than I normally suffer from, so I have been more active. In addition I find that I am mostly able to resist foods that would tempt me in the past and am not as prone to bingeing in the evenings, which had become a habit.
I have been taking active pk for about four weeks now, in addition to taking active pk I also changed my diet to significantly reduce my sugar and carbs. Taking two pills each morning has definitely seemed to not only given me more energy throughout the day but help me with my appetite. In the four weeks I have lost 19 pounds.
I had been walking at 3-5 miles daily. I had been dealing with knee pain for the past year. The doctor told me it was arthritis, it had gotten so bad that I had to stop walking, it hurt to climb stairs, and then its like my whole body was hurting. I had to literally crawl out of bed. I seen the advertisement while searching on my computer for something to help with knee pain. I first started using Active-Pk ( 90 day supply) capsules October 12,2020. I am now on my second 90 day supply, At first I didn't notice any difference but as time went on I was able to get back out and walk and I was waking up with so much energy that I could jump right out out of bed. My pain is still in my knee but it is way better. I have not noticed alot of weight loss but some belly fat is disappearing
Answer: After 2 months and 25 pounds less, and not doing anything different, I'm feeling great and am slowly, but steadily loosing Each week. At 65 it's so hard to loose and keep off the pounds, this Active PK makes it easy. Thank you so much LCR for making such wonderful products. D Griffith
Answer: I've tried others but this is the first one that I'm Seeing and feeling the results.
Answer: Legit. I love the product, Active PK. Not sure about the refund process because I didn't need to request a refund. I'll reorder for sure.
LCR Health has a rating of 4.6 stars from 67 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with LCR Health most frequently mention active stem, side effects and weight loss. LCR Health ranks 6th among Medicine sites.
Hello Charlotte. My name is Taylor, I am with LCR Health. I'm thrilled to hear you're enjoying our formulas! It looks like you rated your experience a 1 out of 5 stars so I'd appreciate the opportunity to hear your feedback on how we can continue to improve. My email is taylor@lcrhealth.com. Thank you.