Keep Calling has the best rates for international phone calls. It's as easy as signing up and buying voice credits before you make your first call. They have monthly plans and thank you points for additional incentive.
Surprisingly they took 20 Euro out of my pocket after I disputed them reasonably for a voice credit bought to help a cousin living in Kenay. In the beginning, I bought it for my cousin then he told me it is showing him zero balance from his end. Then I have disputed it, but the printed out for a calling completely the date I bought and he used which was bought by his brother-in-law from Europe as evidence to take the 20 Euro paid here in the U.S. A and said to my bank we will not refund.
It is so sad. Above all the gentleman I have talked from the customer service tried to enforce me to undo the dispute. I gently asked him why? He said because you agreed to the policy. I said but I have my right when I am not using the service. It is full of deception and not a good service. I apologize to those who I have informed that keep calling is a good distance calling service. I have been preaching about it but it was all wrong until their true identity surfaced. So be careful folks please know better with whomever distance calling company you are dealing with.
To help others who do not speak English please help them by disseminating this true review here.
It was absolutely a fantastic experience for me. I could never ever imagine such a good service there. But I experienced an excellent service there.