​JMA Human Resource Management

​JMA Human Resource Management

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New York
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Breaking their own rules to get products out the door, Some of the big secrets are. MAKE Rate quality doesn't matter, First yield pass rate Varies between 20 - 40 %. Most fails are bad soldering. Plain and simple. Rework is an ENTIRE Department! The 5x bend rule for wires is a joke. Verizon must have been smoking some bad S*! T when the contracted with JMA. Around 2018 the company decided to have EVERYONE certified in soldering. The ran that program 2x then discovered that being certified required that they had to have a Standard. Needless to say they stopped that Real Quick. They've applied for I. S. O. For the last 6 years and end not getting it... There's OTS of stories to tell. This is the tip of the iceberg. I''ll be back to continue this saga...

Date of experience: October 22, 2022
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Great company which can streamline your medical office - We have used JMA for years and have been exceptionally pleased with them. They are a great resource and have allowed us to focus more on the business and medical aspects of our office rather than HR issues.

Date of experience: July 16, 2008