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Puerto Rico
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Completely changed my life, no joke! Being able to actively record where your time is going in such a passive way is an incredible boon! Anyone who works for themselves, or has trouble getting focused, this is a must!

Date of experience: February 28, 2014
13 reviews
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Do you work for yourself or do you want keep track of the time you spend doing certain tasks? Well this free website is great for collecting all that data that you do over weeks, months or whatever custom time frame you want. To date, I truly find this website to be very beneficial for what I do. Admittedly, it has had its own hiccups. If there is too much going on, then the website itself won't work. If you start becoming reliant on this website you might end up screwing yourself over, because the website just won't be available sometimes. So this website definitely has some major issues that need to be worked out to make this a better site. Start tracking what you're doing today and see where you can improve and speed up your processes and see the results in real time.

Date of experience: June 19, 2013
6 reviews
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I used to work as a freelance designer and slimtimer helped me keep track of my work. I would recommend it to everyone working as a freelancer or for tracking time doing anything!

Date of experience: July 26, 2014