Israeli Newspaper - Jerusalem Post - Website
Having reviewed Aljazeera recently, in the interests of objectivity in the region I think it only fair to look at the Jerusalem Post.
The website, is the online access to the JP newspaper feeds but only gives access to cutdown versions – you need to pay a premium for full access.
The JP is clearly stating opinions from the Israeli side of the fence, but Israel is (currently) the only genuine democracy in the Middle East, and Israel is host to a wide spectrum of opinions – from ultra-Zionists to very left wing internationalists.
The JP has a long history of providing good writing, information and analysis on world affairs – predominately, but not exclusively from the Israeli perspective.
Israeli citizens only (officially) have access to Egypt and Qatar in the Arab world so current reporting on the wave of unrest in the Middle East is generally from wire services. However, they are obviously 100% interested in what is going on as it may impact their country and citizens directly.
Well worth a visit to see the Israeli view of things if you have been on AlJazeera.
I don't particularly like the JP website design and find the initial pop-up ads annoying.
Three stars.
Be real journalists for once! It is really difficult to take you seriously otherwise. Other than that, keep it Kosher.