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About me
July 18, 2020

Hi! That is why if you like games and then get it done with complete dedication, you will have a opportunity to discover a market and make money. The most important thing is to do and not quit. However we have to focus on how the mass market wins not a trendy solution, and the ideal marketing. You can endlessly polish your match and make it perfect, but at precisely the same time your competitors are winning an audience with a far wetter product, setting it to marketing. And also"squeeze" this audience will be more expensive. So you need to clearly understand where and in what is the more powerful competitor and what you can do to grow faster, avoiding an immediate collision, but with his flaws. That is why it's important to utilize every opportunity to make yourself known. The https://jkr.co/ support, where startups can fulfill investors.
I am 26 years old, IT from 9, with varying success. I didn't graduate from university, but I constantly wrote something in Basic for Spectrum, at 486 for Pascal, in AMD Duron, at 7th Delphi. After that I switched to match development, and at precisely the same time I had a notion to create a startup from it. Three months ago, my coworkers and I got together to think of the idea of this game. I believe that this is the most difficult point that we had to miss: there are a good deal of genres, personalities in the gaming industry, what can we say concerning the gaps in gameplay on PC, mobile devices and games consoles. The puzzles on mobile devices are also considered as games, since they're a good addition to yourself-education.
Generally speaking, I believe that games are still an interesting and exciting company. And most importantly, it's a developing business. Gaming businesses are going to IPO, and smaller studios in the hinterland are earning millions of dollars globally, effectively competing with the rest of the countries. But this does not necessarily mean that everything is already performed and divided. New opportunities are continuously emerging and new programs are being made. By way of instance, now there are still games in supervisors, and it's another market, living by its own rules.
Much cybersports at the next couple of years will likely be hotter than block. Cybersports are becoming enormous, as shown by the illustration of Skillz, the fastest growing firm in the U.S., that organizes tournaments in chunks as well as other casual matches.

Date of experience: July 18, 2020