I did maybe 20 jigsaws and was saving them all. Then I would start another and put it into saved puzzles. When I came back to it I found it had undone a lot of the jigsaw. This continued to worsen with completed puzzles disappearing as well. I contacted tech support and was told to try a different browser. No change. I kept trying jigsaws and tech support. They didn't do much at all to help with suggestions that made me think they did not know a whole lot about saving games and problem solving. Thought I would give it one last try and finished the edges and saved it. Then when in to check it and it wasn't even there. The one I had finished earlier was now only half completed. No point in keeping on with no assistance from support. Give it a miss there are plenty of others out there.
I put my adblock back on because jigsawplanet.com constantly shows obscene ads. They have many offensive and immoral pictures as well, and I have to enter what I'm looking to solve, ie sceneries, or else I'll be hit with all kinds of bad stuff. Watch out parents.
. There are thousands of puzzles and some great ones. Therefore why does the site play favorites? Some people are chosen as favorites day after for a year or longer. And it isn't that their puzzles are that good as a general rule. The best and nicest was "celestialflyer" who had hundreds of excellent puzzles over the years. She was so considerate and since they featured her so much now and then she would go several days without creating puzzles just so others could have a chance to be published and featured. A few rules changes would be site enhancing.
1. Limit number of puzzles to 10 published per day per person.
2 Each person should not have more than 1 puzzle featured per week.
If you have question feel free to email me *******@gmail.com. I've been on the site for 9 years and can probably answer any questions. Some of my puzzles follow (zephyr17).
The site is free, has hundreds of puzzles of all different kinds, and allows you to choose the amount of puzzle pieces you can use, and what shape you want them in. 300 is great and I am glad this site is available. Heartily recommend.
I really do enjoy these puzzles. The site is user friendly. I just do the puzzles for relaxation, but you can compete with others if you choose. The only problem I have with it is, if you don't do the puzzle in one sitting, it will start coming undone. Usually it is just a few pieces that are undone, but last night the whole puzzle was gone. I didn't redo it, I just chose another puzzle and hoped it wouldn't do the same thing.
jigsawplanet.com is so great! It is a FREE site for working jigsaw puzzles online, and NO ADS on the site. It couldn't be any more user friendly. You can make your puzzles anywhere from 4 to 300 pieces from any of your own photos. There are 8 choices for puzzle piece shapes. There is an option for all pieces to be right side up, so there's no turning around upside down pieces.
jigsawplanet.com also gives you the option of creating albums in which to store your puzzles. Your photos cannot be saved by anyone, so there's good security for your original photos. Your puzzles are automatically saved if you don't finish one. You can add tags if desired.
There are 5 easy steps to creating your own puzzle.
Select Create at top of page
Browse for image
Slide bar for selecting number of pieces
Select shape of pieces
Click on Create at the bottom.
You can also work puzzles made by others. The puzzles do not have the creator's name, so it is all anonymous.
I am not affiliated with jigsawplanet.com in any way. I would just love others to discover the hours of joy and fun I've had on the free and ad free site.