"My sister used to be afraid to go to the bathroom because she thought that leprechauns were going to come out of the toilet and take over the world."
Well, that's to say, someone's sister was, not mine. I don't have a sister. But crazy as that sounded, you've got that story and more to read in this sometimes hilarious and sometimes puzzling collection of childhood reminiscences. Anyone can post about those fears and subsequently-unbelievable misunderstandings that made the world a very, very strange place when they were little, and you'll probably recognize a few, yourself. Yep, you truly were not the only kid who believed there were monsters under the bed.
Not all of these tales are necessarily true, of course. But I'd like to believe that kids really do fear that men in bowler hats are coming for them, for no reason whatsoever. It makes me feel less jealous of the young.
Oh, and the leprechauns? Still working on the world domination angle.