At one stage in my life I met a man who turned out to be the guy I wanted to devote my life with and that I definitely wished to have a kid with. After some time we decided to get married and started considering having children. For a year we simply waited and thought everything would be fine. At that stage I was in my 30s and I understood there may be problems, but I did not wish to believe it. However, after a year I also realized that waiting might not help. It was at the point our narrative began with innumerable visits to clinics, tests and much more, with no results, however, it took us several years of our lives. 1 day our friends that know our problem counseled us to speak to the clinic of Professor Dakhno, which for several years was successfully combating the issues of conception. Currently the Institute of Reproductive Medicine is a contemporary, specialized ART clinic, a global medical facility for treating male and female infertility, which has the highest certification of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Because of the practice and knowledgeable physicians I managed to get pregnant now and my daughter was born. I am not positive if it could have happened without the help of the clinic and its own employees, but I am certain that I will always remember them and can inform my daughter of her narrative when she's older.
Hi. I'm from the town of Kiev. I am 36 years old. I am married, and I have a beautiful daughter named Victoria. I wanted to become a mom, but I didn't even think it might be something challenging or even impossible. But things do not always work out as planned, and in my entire life that is exactly what occurred.
For several decades of my life I did not consider motherhood at all. For me, it was a simple and self-evident event that happens to everyone. Obviously I understood there were all kinds of scenarios, but no one ever thinks it is about them. I didn't even consider doing it. I thought about my profession, my job. Family was something I was likely to own but certainly not anytime soon. I met men, communicated together, but not seen someone with whom I really could start a family and begin a new life for a mother.