
How would you rate Investicorp?
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New York
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October 25, 2016

To the point, we give this company an F rating. Dont waste your time,
(especially if you are female).

So youre out looking for a service or product and you come across Investicorp, Inc. (investigations) You see a lot of abbreviations, names associations, memberships etc. It all looks impressive. You dont know much or anything about them but dont have the time to the research. You succumb to the sales spiel and take things at face value. Like us, you probably are trusting.

It was our experience that all our calls were answered by machine rather than a staff member. Visually, their website is rather amateurish.
Return calls took days or were not returned at all. (as a alternative, our email was always available)
It is our feeling words were parsed to intentionally deceive.
Conversations were extremely terse, hurry-up and hang up.
In our opinion the owner seemed confused or was it a act?
Pledges were made and not fulfilled.

We got involved with this company thru an unfortunate accident and not by choice. We hope to spare you some frustration, time and money. It is surprising this company is still in business. Our advise is to move on and seek a national firm or a firm where you know the participants personally and have greater recourse.

The real test of character is how you behave when you think no one is looking.

Date of experience: October 23, 2016
David Z. Investicorp Rep
over a year old

I have no idea who this person is. We DO NOT work for individuals. We ONLY work for Corporations, LLC's, LLP's, PC's and various Government Agencies, in NY or NJ. His allegation that we were slow to return his calls is a total LIE. We purposely have our voicemail system answer all calls, to make sure that individuals, or criminals are not trying to contact us.
We DO NOT return calls by Salesmen or Individuals. He states that, "Conversations were extremely terse, hurry-up and hang up." There were no conversations. We never worked for this individual, or any individual!

We DO NOT and HAVE NEVER worked on Criminal Defense Investigations.

His statement that, "Pledges were made and not fulfilled," is a bold-faced LIE. I challenge this FRAUDSTER to produce a copy of a Contract, Invoice or Cancelled Check. He will not be able to do so, because all of his allegations are pure fiction. The reason that he must have not provided his name, is that he would have to know that we would have immediately taken legal action against him.

Finally, the fact that he states that our website is, "Amateurish," proves that he is not and has never been a client; Our website was just redesigned within the past 30 Days, by one of the most professional web development firms in the Investigative Profession.

Unlike this nameless Fraudster, I gladly give my name here.

Investicorp, Inc.