I purchased an EC meter from Hanna on June 7,2021. I looked at other brands and went with this company. I was a user of Bluelab for a long time, customer service to reliability and wish I never even bothered to make a purchase with Hanna as seeing other reviews was a mistake on my part. I did lack of research on the customer service, warranty, BBB among other sites. I was comparing models, features, price. So, I reached out on a chat window and sales person came on, he was nice and helpful on picking the model for me, budget to my purpose of just general use. This person went beyond and email conversations, he gave me what I needed as far as maintenance as far as EC solutions that were needed to complete the order too. Salesperson (chat window) even helped out on helpful contact information on my problems I was having. I used his contact information and tried to reach out in forms with no avail.
I made a purchase. I saw the progress, fulfilling the order, shipping status. The shipping was glitchy
At first, had my location in another state, then got the right information. I paid for the 2 day shipping
FedEx. It got stuck in 2 locations each for a day. I contacted the salesperson, he helped out by giving directions from contacting FedEx and contact form on Hanna. I did a claim with FedEx, yes as you see their rating, they could care less. I did the contact form on Hanna, no response either of the concerns of the packaging being lost etc. Salesperson still in contact with looked at the shipping map, it should been 2 days at the latest 3, then in took a week. He thought it was odd, so I did do the above to find out what happened.
I received the package, beat up, no fragile sticker on outside, 2 day shipping. FedEx did reply, stating the package was received on such and such date, claim was denied. I didn't get my hopes up on that how they treat their customers and some had far worse than me, lost package and shifting it to the supplier/company to cover damages etc. I contacted salesperson, he was very helpful and concerned and did apologize, package was damaged, item was okay at first, it has problems that have to address to get it working to be accurate. I do understand, shipping being late out of control to some degree. The case of this company's lack of response through contact form, just to reach out to the customer to help with the issue and concerns.
That just didn't happen. I did get via email to review the product, it glitches and had to be calibrated often, to not use FedEx as a carrier. Then I received another to review the company via email to fill out on how was the service to everything, I gave them 1 star and the 1 star was to the chat salesperson was great. This was 2 months later I received this. I was like oh my, I got something in email to review this company and no response to any concerns from 2 months ago? Not acceptable. I read the terms on Hanna, shipping, delays, not responsible when it leaves their facility too. It was like most companies' terms, to lost, not receiving, damaged is another thing, never was a response.
After the review of the company, not even normal operating hours, a "Customer Success Manager" contacted me. Top of the subject line was a contact form from 2 months ago, "Lost Package." Upon, there was emails back and forth of trying to understand. No control over shipping terms, acknowledged 2 months not contacting me was a big issue. Last email was asking if my equipment was okay, through shipment? I did respond, no it was glitchy and had to be recalibrated often. No response ever again. It has been almost 2 months to this day, I figured it was a lesson learned by them from their mistake, nope it is a pattern.
I don't recommend this company. It took a 1 star review for them to contact me. Odd. They don't care, money took, doubt warranty would be covered, I sure didn't get a response back again, almost 2 months since then. "Customer Success Manager" is responding to a negative review and was ignored again, not sure that is a success. That showed you right there, they don't care to respond again. My experience and helping people to be leery on making a purchase from this company. Lost money on a glitch meter and stuck with it. See photo how I received item from Fedex.