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I have tried to access birth, death, auto vin#'s, military records, criminal back ground checks and people search and I got a ZERO on all! I feel that I have been ripped off on the net again, but for the last time. Please check out this web site before committing your hard earned money!

Date of experience: April 27, 2010
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Was doing a background check with license number and site cannot produce anything. Definitely a scam. Didn't give credit card number, thank goodness. Wish I had seen these reviews before paying. Guess I was too tired to do a check. Teaches me to be more careful next time.

Date of experience: April 22, 2011
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At first it seemed pretty good, until it became more and more difficult to log on. Then their records seemed to not be consistent. I entered my own name and either nothing came up or the information was wrong.
Now I can't log on or even find the site at all. I've tried from several different computers, and nothing. Its like they've disappeared.
Shal ' aam

Date of experience: March 25, 2012
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They advertise a free VIN search, then tell you they have the info for members only. After you pay, they offer any seach BUT the VIN search. The web site takes you through the same circles, with no results for any VIN search. I forwarded a complaint and will try to get my $19.95 back from PayPal. Definitely DO NOT give them a credit card number! This is a rip off!

Date of experience: January 29, 2011