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November 2, 2019

I ordered gas oven from them and after a few months of normal use the valve (that was made out of plastic) melted and broke. Our restaurant of course suffered significant loss due to having no oven. But what made the thing worse the manufacturer said that they would not send any spare-parts and that it was our fault that the valve melted. We asked how is it possible that its our fault that the plastic valve melts in normal use. They didn't say anything and no reply ever since. This is terrible service and total scam. The oven was not cheap and not we need to buy a new one. Never do business with:

Guangzhou Fullgrace Food Machinery Co., Ltd
Add: B55 2F, Yangcheng Garden Business Center, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China. ******
Tel: (86)20-********
E-mail: *******
Skype: fullgracemachine

Date of experience: October 31, 2019