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I have purchased around a dozen indoor and outdoor FOSCAM IP Cameras (Internet Protocol Cams). These cameras seemed to be great, fairly easy to set up and use, kept me in touch with my property while I was taking care of my folks across the country. When I had a problem, their tech support helped me through it... All was good. Then, the cams started to fail, one by one, they went out. Some wouldn't connect via wireless anymore, some Infa Red lights went out, some just stopped working completely. A few weeks ago, I wanted to contact FOSCAM's tech support, I called their 1-800 number, I was like # 14 in que and wait time would be about an hour. Well... 55 minutes into my wait, a FOSCAM employee (I guess) came on the line and told me that the tech department is now closed, and I will have to try back another time (they are in Texas, I am in CA). I called them more than an hour from their closing time and they tell me 5 minutes before the closing time they are closed. Needless to say, I was more than a little angry. When I bought my first FOSCAM cameras, they were a fairly unknown brand name and probably had more techs than customers calling for support. Now it seems, they have grown and don't really seem to care about a customer that spent over a thousand dollars on their products. FOSCAM has a history of producing cheap cameras of questionable quality (something I knew nothing about back in the day), and there are a lot of "better" cams on the market now such as D-Link, FLIR, Nestcam, Netgear and others. Now I am down to 5 cams in operation and as they fail, I am replacing them with some of these other brands. I highly recommend staying away from FOSCAM brand cameras.

Date of experience: February 1, 2016