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Hello again, today I'm writing about a website that I use for school, called Flip, some of you might know it as FlipGrid, but sadly they changed their name to just 'Flip'. One of the things I like about Flip is you can record videos, and be able to make a background, cute frame, and my personal favorite, you can pause your recording, move to another location or what you want to do, and continue the video without the obvious break in between, almost like a movie, black screen for half a second, the poof! New location! I highly recommend using it when you want to make a cool movie or video, it's easy to share! That;s all of this review, check out my other ones. I have some for Spotify, Roblox, and Musi. Bye for now!

Date of experience: November 14, 2022
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Perfect for class, not bad/ funny filters. This website is safe. You record videos and submit them as class work, and replies to class work. You record videos to a minute or so, you make your thumbnail of your video (they call it a selfie) and the better thing about it is you can upload a photo instead of using your webcam. And you can add filters to your photo. Look at some of the image samples (with filter) I made with Flipgrid!

Date of experience: April 25, 2019
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September 19, 2022

I spent an hour making a important video for my boss and when i finished and pressed the submit button it started to post it but then it said sorry theirs an issue and i tried every way disposable to fix it but there speed was terrible and when you go to put on a filter it lags out your entire computer and some times it will close out of your app and make it were you cant post a video $#*! Flip Grid i got so mad at it i puched it DO NOT USE APP ITS TERRIBLE!

Date of experience: September 19, 2022