Federation of American Scientists

Federation of American Scientists

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SandDab D.
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This is the website for the 'Federation of American Scientists.'

"FAS works to provide science-based analysis of catastrophic threats to national and international security and to develop policy solutions to reduce these threats." Found this site by accident while searching for FM-03-05-70. This little manual was once almost impossible to find.

The org is known to be the 'best' for nuclear warhead counts, a noble distinction as long as nuclear weapons are real. The people at FAS should get a meeting with the 'Nuclear Weapons Are Hoax' guys and figure things out. Didn't plan on coming to this topic again, was only choosing this site for its manual and had no clue it was a top nuclear warhead scientist site. Weird, just reviewed a nuclear hoax site.

The 'nuclear conspiracy' always seemed like the most unlikely of the deceptions of the El-ite. The 'idea' was around years ago, didn't attract attention - even on conspiracy sites. Seemed far too big to be even near possible. Well, back then we thought we were sovereign nations and were not yet aware that we had been 'subverted' long before our grandfathers were born. The 'actors' around the president are often Jesuit-trained, and if not, it's something else or they are family born into it. I digress.... Go to the 'Lore of El' review for more on that subject.

Main reason for the review is that these guys post FM-03-05-70. Make a copy and keep it handy. Interesting skim-reading anyways, even if one never needs it. Learn the colors of the wild vegetation that are least likely to get you sick. Key things, like most roots are ok to eat.

Eating roots, leaves, and flowers and making your own water with a tarp, container and rotting weeds. A quick run-through might be enough to make the difference.

Here's the link:

*See YouTube for 5-minute foraging lessons, how to get water, where to hide, etc. Just need to survive the initial phase of catastrophe. Knowledge removes fear. People with fear survive less. If these scientists are posting this Field Manual, better download it.

Wild Salad from Backyard Ingredients:

Date of experience: June 11, 2016