Wonderful site about science, medicine, health and even education. They have great daily updates and all for free. Much better than some subscription news companies and the wide variety of topics makes the blog always interesting.
All of these reviews that are overwhelmingly positive which have a similar tone to written in a slightly different way are FAKE! It's obvious as most people don't talk this way in fact no one does. Excite literally has zero credibility. This site is cleverly designed to give the unassuming reader that it unbiased. The truth is that it couldn't be anything further than the case. It is designed to defame any doctor pushing any form of alternative medicine that goes against big Pharma. It's amazing how evil and corrupt big Pharma really is this site is clearly another one of their deceptive and evil creations. Don't fall for it guys, these glaringly positive reviews are all BS. Honestly do some research and verify this on your own. You will see that I'm truthful, but more importantly he'll discover the Truth for yourself. Remember this, big pharma's interest are not your health if they don't make a profit if you're not sick. Really, think about that, you owe it to yourself.
The "Respectful Insolence" blog is loved by scientists and doctors and loathed by quacks and charlatans. That's worth 5 stars from me any day!
The pseudonymous "Orac" is an oncologist/surgeon who covers the world of quacks and fakers who want to line their own pockets peddling dubious or outright dangerous "alternative" cures. Thoroughly researched and impeccably constructed articles detail the trends in quackery in all fields of medicine, but cancer in particular.
Not Exactly Rocket Science - a great site for everyone who wants to understand the world we live in!
Full website name: scienceblogs.com/notrocketscience
This is a blog found within the Scienceblogs site written by British science writer Ed Yong that presents science topics for every day people. As Yong writes on his site, he cares about "making science understandable and interesting to non-scientists." His posts tend to be thoughtful, well-written and informative articles about interesting topics that you just might not run across in other sources of news. And, his science background and thorough understanding of the topics he writes about helps to avoid the inaccuracies and sensationalism that is often found in science articles within mainstream media.
Scienceblogs is full of friends I want to have: witty, smart people who make science comprehensible to me. My friend Jeremy gave me the idea that maybe one day, when I'm rich, I might be able to hire someone to compile interesting information, the best written articles, the most compelling blogs, and put it all in a weekly book for me to read. Until I can make that moment happen (I'm guessing it will be never), there are my weekly Scienceblog updates.
Umm... Respectful Insolence and Uncertain Principles is OK but for the most part the the site is a ghost-town. (Sorry Abbie) Perhaps the best advice is to go into the archives and look at the posters that were there, Carl Zimmer, Jessica Palmer, Alex Wild, and so on and you understand the disappointment. You can find them and the others on other sites, but alas, the collection that was the 1927 NY Yankees is now the 1990 NY Yankees. Same name, but different results.
This site is the definition of Fake News. The defamation of Mike Adams is absolutely shameful. There is no science is "scienceblogs.com"... Don't trust it.
Slightly happy to burst into this fruity class of science nerds, haha, but seriously, its an awesome site all around.
Answer: Honestly, this site is a total scam. DO NOT TRUST A WORD IN IT.