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Just been informed that it seems the forums mods are still practising their ban button finger exercises!

A very good friend of mine who doesn't have an account here has just been given a ban for an apparent abusive message to another member but when he asks for confirmation of the apparent abuse there is no reply, This site needs a bloody good clear out of tired moderators who hold far too much power over people just trying to meet others.

Hopefully this site will go the same way as cottaging and eat itself and end!

Its no longer a fun place and really not worth the money with so many rules and regulations where anyone can be barred from partaking in discussion for little or no reason

Date of experience: September 20, 2021
2 reviews
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Shocking site with deeply worrying undertones of what some men, particularly old men, are seeking for their delinquent pleasure.

Joined as an undercover member to see for myself after being alerted by anonymous person with plans to expose wider as I'm a journalist.

Two members in particular make no secret of what they are searching for.


On an adult gay site. Hmmm...

Dom4twinkyboys - elderly, grey, old, vertically challenged man seeking boys. Quite remarkable that this site allows somebody to advertise their perverse desires as a username!

Describes himself as ‘firm but fair' ‘rough and ready' come and get it LADS.

‘A clean, freshly scrubbed BOY is a treat.'



Yep, another old pervert seeking to ‘thrash' the pert little bottoms of BOYS.

Why aren't these two repulsive individuals seeking young men rather than boys or lads on an adult gay dating site?

Why aren't the owners prohibiting these obvious creepy desires from their profiles? Not to mention to advertise it with their usernames.

Many, many more like these two but only enough room to mention two.

Will be passing my dossier to the authorities in due course and let's hope these awful old pervs are traced with their online finger prints.

Date of experience: November 24, 2021