My testimonial to Extreme Spells follows:
One night; while at a friend's house, I heard him talking about Extreme Spells. He had been trying for a long time to locate his girl friend from high school. Well, less then ten days after casting the spell; he met her again.
I never thought about magic spells very much. Over the next few days, I found myself thinking about Extreme Spells a lot.
We had the usual money problems and kept wishing we had the money to start fresh. So we decided to try the Money Spell. As a few days past, I wondered what would happen.
Then... I couldn't believe it, we found the money we needed to pay all our bills. We even had enough for a luxury or two.
We should have contacted them sooner. I don't know why we waited so long.
Thank you again Extreme Spells.
Dennis in Georgia
Do not listen to any review that says that their spell castings worked! It is fake and is probably an elaborate and detailed story contrived by the person (or people) who run this scam. Any reply that you see online either from "Master Taylor" or some "satisfied customer" to rebut a bad review is a lie as well.
I purchased several spells back in June and not one of them has come true. Nor is there any hint of one of them even beginning to unfold.
To make matters worse, when over two weeks passed and I tried to casually log back onto the website, no part of the website was available. I e-mailed them not sure if it was just some technical issue or if it was scam, and it took someone two weeks to respond to me. My e-mail stated that I was inquiring about my spell casting and the website. When they finally did respond, they told me the site was back up. Then I sent another e-mail inquiring about their "money back guarantee" because I was seeing no results and I never heard back from them.
This began in June, it's now the end of November and not one of the spell I paid for is manifesting and in some areas, things have actually gotten worse, not better for me.
I am telling you, if a spell is going to work, it's going to work. You don't need to pay more to have it "amplified". This is logic you don't see when you are in the midst of depression and are looking for help where you can find it. Of course these scam artists know this. But I hope this review can help at least one person stay away from them. They are fake and they prey on people and their vulnerabilities. ANY review you see online that paints these people in a legitimate and positive light is absolutely false! They go to great lengths to try to sound logical, practical and legit, but it's like people who you can tell are lying because they just try too damned hard to explain themselves to cover up for holes in their stories that they are afraid others will see. They even state that if "resistance" is met during a casting, they will e-mail the person immediately. Well, I never got an e-mail, so I assume there was no issue with my casting, yet here I am 5 months later in a worse position in my life with no response from them about a refund or even a "re-casting" (which I would not want anyway). I chalked this one up to a loss, but I am telling you, they are con artists. Please stay away!
This site is a scam... read an article at
Unfortunately after i bought a spell
Answer: Bob, you need to file a complaint with Paypal immediately and if that doesn't work then contact your credit card company or bank and file a claim for a chargeback. Filing complaints with Paypal and/or your bank or credit card provider is the BEST way to get your money back and also hit the scam artists where it hurts the most. I know Robert Lunceford (the actual person behind the scenes) personally and he's been running this scam for years. No spells are EVER cast! EVER! The money goes straight to him and all you get is the perception that things are being done by "Master Samuel". It's a joke! If he gets too many chargebacks or Paypal complaints, he'll lose his ability to collect payments and that will hinder his "business" tremendously.
Answer: I have had several spells casted and got excellent results both time I plan to go back. So these negative reviews are fabricated.