I love these sort of websites, and this one is a killer. The Electronic Voice Phenomena or EVP is hands down, the craziest S$%! T I have ever heard. These paranormal investigators go to supposed haunted places all over North America and they record sounds and actual voices of the dead. These voices cannot be heard by human ears but the recording equipment they bring somehow captures stuff, some of which is muddled and was filtered but a lot of it is clear as hell and disturbing. The ones that really got me were the desperate cries of a boy in water and he says over and over: help me" while the sound of what seems to be a fist pounding against the wall of a bathtub. It was apparently in an abandoned building and no one else was present except the investigators. Even if you don't believe in this stuff, this site has some crazy unsettling content. Now if you will all excuse me I have to go and change my shorts.