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EResource Scheduler provides a complete Resource Management System in one package, that can manages your resource's requirements, allocations, resource profiles, utilization, availability etc. in one environment. With features of drag n drop scheduling, recurrence bookings, project timings, import / export through MS excel and much more, it comes out with a great software. It allow a bit of project management. You can add as many projects as you want. Ability to add / import multiple tasks in every project. Last but not the least it's graphical reports (Gap Report, Utilization Report, Availability Report, Forecasting Report and Financial Report) makes eResource Scheduler a perfect application for resource scheduling.

Date of experience: September 12, 2014
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Nice place to work. Great company to work for! The trainer is just AMAZING, very knowledgeable, collected and selfless. Positive work environment where people feel valued.

Date of experience: January 11, 2019
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What makes enbraun a great place to work for me is the friendly environment among team members. We celebrate after crossing every hurdle and product releases

Date of experience: January 12, 2019