I got an email from Eden Brothers and pulled up their website. It is a very lovely website and they seemed to have some of the less common flowers. I added and subtracted from my cart until I got it down to around $200. I put in my billing information and then thought - wait a minute. I hadn't checked out this company on Sitejabber. After reading dismal reviews I went back to the site and exited out. Unfortunately, I did not erase my billing information before doing so. I never tapped on the place order tab so I figured I was good. A couple of months later I got a box full of plants, bulbs and seeds! It wasn't even time to plant them plus we had a really late spring this year. We were still getting freeze warnings when they arrived. I pulled up their website again to find out how to return their shipment. When I found the section on returns my jaw dropped. They have no warranty and do not accept returns! What kind of reputable company does this. First they send an order I didn't even ask for and now they won't take it back. I've planted the bulbs. So far the liatris is just beginning to pop up. No lilies so far. I planted the Phlox seeds and again nothing so far. There was a package of caper seeds I'm sure wasn't on my order because I don't like capers and they only grow in zones 9-11. I'm in zone 5 but of course I was charged for them. The plants all died while waiting to be planted except two and one one of those has since died. The other one is barely hanging on so we'll see if it makes a comeback in the spring. I won't hold my breath. Eden Brothers should not even be in business. They lack all forms of honesty and integrity. They provide no customer service whatsoever but, I guess there's no need since they don't stand behind what they sell. I say run don't walk from this company. They took major advantage of me once but they will never get that opportunity again.