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Learn a Language
November 30, 2018

I have an older model but it is one if not the best language learning platforms I have ever owned. I'm ordering a newer model this Christmas & will be picking up where I left off on my Japanese. If time permits I would like to learn Chinese and Korean as well but will see.

If you plan to travel or do business overseas or learn a language like myself this is a great tool to have with you. It's one of the only tools that I've found which actually teaches you to be proficient in a language as it lays out everything in such a simplistic way where even a child could understand. There are too many features to list here but u can check them out on their official website.

Yeah sure $600 to $700 is probably the most I've dished out for a language tool but I certainly don't regret it.

Date of experience: November 28, 2018