Ecredable claims to use your utilities to help raise your credit score with TransUnion.
I paid $19.95 to sign up, and it turns out I was unable to actually use it with Verizon, AT&T, Charter Spectrum, any local trash or power companies.
I get that small-town electric or trash isn't included in their automated system, but I would expect Verizon, AT&T or Charter Spectrum to be included. In each case they claimed that the provider had enabled two-factor authentication and would be fixed in two weeks.
Well... maybe let me see if any utilities are provided before you cost me money?
Anyway, that's my take. Suggest staying away.
Waiting on it to report hopefully they get netflix added cuz that would be awesome sauce and more goodies thinking that would get alot more people to join up :)'s "Lift" service LOWERED my credit score when its flawed reporting systems delivered incomplete and inaccurate utility data to TransUnion.
I immediately alerted this fraudulent company to its unfair and needless damage of my credit record. ECredable promised a full subscription refund (which I've yet to receive!) along with assurances that I could easily restore my original, higher credit score by simply following what I now know to be just more misinformation from these scammers.
ECredable advised me to simply dispute their flawed data with TransUnion so that upon removal from my file, the credit bureau would also revert my score back to its pre-eCredable level.
However the deletion of those same utility records that just days before had triggered a credit score LOSS when first added to my file, now resulted in yet another LOSS. Why? Because although eCredable did not contest my dispute when contacted by TransUnion, these scammers qualified removal of their data from my file as due to account closures. NOTE: I have not closed any of my utility accounts, all remain active and all with an unmarred history of always full and on-time monthly payments.
ECredable Lift empowers people to choose to report additional accounts to TransUnion, which is subsequently included in their credit report. The accounts which are available to be included are limited to gas, water, power, waste, mobile phone, landline, internet, cable TV and satellite TV. Most of the companies that provide these services do not report to credit bureaus, which means the consumer is not usually getting any benefit from having a positive payment history from these accounts included in their credit report. TransUnion has determined they will accept these accounts to be included on the consumers credit report in order to be included in various credit scoring models like FICO Score 8 and VantageScore 3.0. The maximum amount of information we are allowed to provide to TransUnion is limited to 24 months of payment history, regardless of when the account was opened. We access the consumer’s online account to retrieve the payment history. Some companies store as little as 1 month of history on their web site for their customers to access, while some store as much as 24 months of payment history. All of this information and much more is provided in great detail on our web site.
Ms. Obrien enrolled in eCredable Lift and made the choice to use our product to facilitate including certain phone and utility accounts in her credit report at TransUnion. Credit scoring models that generate credit scores are extremely complex and use thousands of variables to create the credit score. Adding new information to the credit report changes the output of the credit scoring model in a variety of ways. Generally speaking, positive information has a positive impact on the credit score and negative information (e.g., late payments, collections) has a negative impact on credit scores. In this case, the addition of the accounts Ms. Obrien chose to include in her credit report had a negative impact on her credit score.
Ms. Obrien contacted eCredable for a refund. Ms. Obrien was immediately issued a full refund of $24.95 on 4/18/22. Ms. Obrien contacted eCredable to have these accounts removed. The accounts were removed from her TransUnion credit report. Ms. Obrien simply needs to acquire a new credit report with a new credit score which will accurately reflect the current content of her credit report. What’s not in FICO Scores—“Any information not found in your credit report.” Source FICO
At eCredable, we strive to deliver the best experience possible to our customers. We make every effort to be completely transparent regarding our products and services. That is why we take the time to clearly explain how eCredable Lift works, which major credit bureaus we report to, how you may raise your credit scores, and have clear upfront pricing. Also, we give you the ability to look up all of your utility companies to see if we connect to them before you sign up for eCredable Lift. ECredable connects to over 3500 utility companies and service providers, which includes all major wireless carriers and internet service providers. You can check to see which utility companies eCredable connects to at any time here -