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Earseeds are tiny incredibly beautiful crystals that have a little ball that is on the backside of the crystal. You than put the earseed(s) in the place on your ear that goes with the purpose in which you are using it for. What Earseeds are used for is acupuncture. Once you have them place in the proper place, than everyday for up to 5 days you just gently press down on each earseed.
They have Earseeds for just about every ailment you can think of. Depression, insomnia, weight loss, migraines, vision, and so on and so on. And yes, they really do work! I've been using them for going on 2 yrs and I've lost 43lbs.
So not only are they absolutely beautiful on your ears but they really do work! Definitely recommend trying them. At least go check them out. You won't regret it!

Date of experience: September 12, 2020