My history with contractors has been, shall we say, abysmal? Depressing? Painful? Costly? All of the above, in fact. So, when my ice-maker went out and my home warranty company denied my claim (long story in another review), I went looking. I came across El Paso Appliance Repair, the visit fee was reasonable (comparatively speaking) and it applied to the final service, so I make an appointment.
George is an entrepreneur who, like me, cares about customer service. He was on time, courteous, efficient and polite. No, more than polite, he was friendly and informative. He explained to me what was wrong, why it went wrong, what I can do in future to prevent such a malfunction (something that is NOT in the maintenance book) and did what he could to get the part delivered by the next day.
Unfortunately, the parts company isn't as conscientious as George so it took an extra day, but it was done within 72 hours of my initial phone call. That is what I call service! And the best part is that it was affordable. I really expected to have to pay between $300 and $400 and it was about half that.
A friendly, honest, competent contractor that isn't going to gouge you for more money is truly a phenomenon and a blessing in this area.
Moreover, I found out that he can work on my LG all in one washer/dryer which has been the bane of my repair experience since I bought it. It doesn't have problems often, but when it does, it's been a nightmare!
George is my new hero and my first call on ANY appliances for all three of my properties from here forward. I hope my review makes him millions because he is a shining example of what a good businessperson should be.
Thank you George!