This is a camera brand, and although I don't know why it's in the beauty section, I really like the cameras from here. It's not cheap for sure, their cameras can get super pricey! But a lot of their cameras are a good starting point if you're starting to get into photography or film
I got a camera but I haev to admit that I have seen better cares from other brands. Either way this company started a very long time ago so I deiced that I had to give it a shot just to seee how far it would go and it has gone a really long way in helping me capture those memorable moments.
This is is the best camera brand that I have ever interacted with. I used to be on sony but I now prefer this one. I needed a good camera that would not dissapoint me and I got one from them and it works great. I ahve been using it for several months now and it is still up and runing.
Worked extremely well, didn't make me break out and I have sensitive skin. I have totally recomended this product to some of my friends