Dr. Andrew Weil combines the best of conventional medicine with natural medicine in his integrative medicine website. It's hard to find a site like this that doesn't dismiss either field as nonsense but rather understands the merits of both.
Dr. Weil has been around for about or over 30 years now. He's a Harvard M. D. who believes in holistic healing and health, with a great balance: "If I'm in a car accident I don't want EMS to take me to a health food store".
His site has always been a source of great information for natural health and healing. Highly recommend.
I'm a bigger fan of Dr. Weil than Dr. Oz, mainly owing to his expertise in holistic approaches in addition to traditional allopathic medicine. No offense Dr. Oz, yo do a lot of good. I would challenge Dr. Weil to discuss even more new cutting edge naturopathic modalities, though I'd imagine with his licensing there may be certain limitations in that regard. Given that, he does a wonderful job and so far I've felt he has a sincere healing intention. Thank you Dr. Weil for opening so many peoples' eyes to approaches other than the allopathic one, proud to have the same alma mater.
Have received their monthly mailer for years and it has helped me to learn more about how to improve my health