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This site does not offer a free and fare bidding process. When I posted a job for a drone pilot it recommended a hand full of pilots without my job event being posted for bidding. Also, it can take days to get your job posted so other pilots can get a opportunity to bid on a job. Not to mention the fee's this site charges to both customers and pilot's. This site's practices are completely unethical and should be avoided.
Use a search engine to find pilots in your area and shop around. Remember, you get what you pay for.

Date of experience: July 31, 2022
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29 drone bids / 2 canceled or price renegotiated.

My experience with has bee very good. I do real estate and need air shots for my land.
I am very specific on deliverables. I think that makes the difference.

I list everything out and also include any need extra items ( stakes, paint and ribbons) links for reference to add in the bid.

I also include a deliverable example and what the videos should look like on my dropbox. So thy know what al the different angles should look like. This includes file naming as well.

I only request raw footage, as I do my own editing and video compilation.

The admin of has always been helpful on disputes. Which has happened twice. This was because the pilot was a novice, the raw footage was either very bad OR did not get shots requested.
The customer service has been great.

I think what can make or break this service is not having a detailed list of CLEAR DELIVERABLES.

Date of experience: November 17, 2023