I wanted to promote this site because it has a compelling vivacity and purpose, but I'm not in the UK and need to cheat a bit by quoting the site's own PR:
"The Don't Panic Pack is a unique free publication found in carefully selected independent shops, bars, universities and art spaces. Also distributed outside alternative music events and launch parties, it contains all sorts of arts and culture goodies and information for cities all around the world with the emphasis on design and the future of our planet. At the heart of the pack find the Don't Panic Poster where a rotation of established and unknown, up and coming artists design around an issue that affects culture across the world."
The site is the online representation of this project, and you don't need to have collected a Don't Panic Pack to enjoy it (though I would be happy to get one, if anyone wants to mail one to California).
It's a very cool presentation, constantly colorful, constantly in motion and often unexpected. Aimed fairly squarely (but without being at all square) at the university-age audience, and promoting indie arts, political and environmental thought, it's not your mother's arts site. In fact, being as cool as it sets out to be, it's quite surprising to find it's out of London instead of L. A. Recommended, even if you're too far from Europe to make it to any of the events and have to content yourself with looking at photos of the happy people who got their Don't Panic Packs. The site can stand on its own, just try clicking around the various topic headers and see what you find.
A website with a clear purpose. If you are looking for something that has been previously reviewed, this is a site that you should go for. Love this website, just that its not US based.