This website is bought and paid for by Disney. Ghostbusters 2016? Captain Marvel? The Last Jedi? These movies are actually rated far worse than RT would have you believe, but the website actively engages in manipulating and covering up reviews to get the best rating possible. As a result, Rotten Tomatoes is just an advertisement masquerading as a review site.
In order to find some time for general relaxation or perhaps additional learning, I accepted the offer to watch films at my own request. And? The result is neutral. Each subsequent film had no final result. It was not interesting.
Rotten Tomatoes might be fun for rating and reviewing movies and TV shows, but only the critics' opinions are actually listened to and not ignored. If you really want your opinion to matter, go to a different review site. It's an okay website.
Just think about it... Who nowadays can trust ratings of a web site like this? People love different movies. In a past few years everyone just stopped looking for reviews or ratings because it has no point anymore. You like something - you watch it. It's all simple.
Rotten Tomatoes "audience score" is now manipulated and artificially boosted to make bad movies look good. Unfortunately the never ending need for corporate profits killed what was once a useful resouce. Now all we have is IMDB and other other less slick options.
I signed up with my internet name and it used my real name! I could not change it and tried to delete my account, but found that you have to call an 800 number, wait a long time, and then call again, and again, and again. I can't think of another website that I have encountered since maybe 1998 that made me call to cancel my account. As far as the ratings go, it is widely known that the professional reviewers are mostly male and that they suppress reviews on a whim. Not recommended or reliable.
It doesnt allow to make up your own mind. Too much of a influence without sense of direction. My daughter has no remorse in changing points of view of what was thought to her because defending something she only has learned through this site. BAb Bad
Unless you click further, which few actually do, they do not show you the complete ratings. They only show you ratings of those who bought movie tickets in a certain fashion. In addition, it is thought that they artificially change ratings by removing ratings.
The expert reviews are very biased here compared to other sites like IMBD. It is quite often to see a movie get nearly full marks as an expert, but a rotten score from the users, and vice versa. This is almost always political, such as if it is a feminist movie (see reviews for Taking Down the House, versus Chapelle's Sticks and Stones).
The reviews on Rotten Tomatoes are frequently purged of negative reviews and favorable critic reviews are promoted. This is likely done because there is a motivation to avoid negative reviews due to financial considerations. In short, if they let you see that a movie has a ton of bad reviews, you are less likely to go see it and the movie doesn't make much money. There is little doubt that movie houses and studios pay RT to prop up inferior products for the sole pursuit of making money.
Rottentomatoes has long since lost it's way, it used to be a group of true critics that actually cared for thier fellow fans, no more, now sliding any money thier way will make it keel over to try and help whatever company, and does anyone else find it odd that everytime they love a movie the general fandom hates it, and everytime they hate a movie, the general fandom loves said movie? I think it's time for a career change rotten tomatoes as your failing at doing anything correct anymore, what happened to your self edecate? Did you at least let the fans have thier opinion? Nope because now your deleting reviews from 'nonprofessional' critics who happen to be better at doing your job then you will ever be.
Answer: Once they used to be one of the last nonbiased or money grabbing websites left where they let anyone comment, now? Now they delete your comment the second they are offered a penny by big corperations
RottenTomatoes has a rating of 2.5 stars from 43 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. RottenTomatoes ranks 199th among Movie sites.