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South Carolina
6 reviews
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At the touch of a button, I know I can resource any word I read or hear spoken, from the definition to its synonyms and usage. With other small purchases, Dictionary.com opens up your world to words you've forgotten or have heard before but never was sure what it meant. You can get the words origin, learn other meanings for the word. You can purchase an encyclopedia application, and the world opens up a little bit more. The accompanying thesaurus is invaluable, especially as you mentally search for the right word for the text or email you're composing. I use it often most every day. One of my least expensive and best purchases. Highly recommend.

Date of experience: June 17, 2019
15 reviews
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Helpful Resources
September 22, 2021

This reference will help students to learn more and in better way. It contains definition, word origin and lot more.

Date of experience: September 22, 2021