American Diabetes Association

American Diabetes Association

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This was one of the best topic i encountered on the site of ADA. It taught me what others have done in the past that prevented them from acquiring the disease. It is actually working for me a whole lot. With those few tips, I have made significant improvement in life no doubt.

Date of experience: June 23, 2020
9 reviews
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What! I've got diabetes? I'm gunna die? - Holy crap what do you do or say when a doctor, not your regular doctor goes ballistic at you after you do a regular blood test not expecting any surprises? This happen to me about six weeks ago. It was like he was talking a different language. With all due respect for his education and he skill. Dumping or overloading a patient with way too much information, putting the fear of God in me. My mind was racing thinking the worst. I'll spare you the whole conversation. In short he said you sugar is three times what it should be, you cholesterol is really high your obese. You need to exercise. I do doctor. Try harder! I did think that was funny at he time but did let him know. Blah blah blah blah... You're are a diabetic your sugar is three times what it should be. I couldn't retain anymore. Why? We my daughter is Type 1. All drama and issues we have with her also flooded my mind. There are many site and groups that support diabetes. I'm not saying this is the best sight I am saying it is very helpful in answering questions and putting things into perspective. I will continue to revisit this site as it easy to follow. They keep it as simple or as complex as you need.

My apologies this post recently for Wallmart which completely the wrong site. I wrote this for

Date of experience: August 22, 2016