How would you rate Chase Creditcards?
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New York
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I recently had a chase Sapphire credit card after months of good on time payments chase pulled a complete 180 on me I purchased about $9000 in purchases for my girlfriend my girl used her account with over $600,000 in it to pay my statement from chase Sapphire. This crooked fraudulent company withdrew the total sum of my statement from my girlfriends account and did NOT credit my account for the funds they received from her account. My girl showed me her bank statement with chases withdrawal from her account. WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY THEY MARKED MY CREDIT FOR THIS PAID BALANCE TRYING TO RECEIVE DOUBLE PAYMENTS FOR THIS ACCOUNT! Stay away from this crooked company this is a form of consumer fraud!

Date of experience: April 1, 2019
New York
4 reviews
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Other credit card companies will chargeback a fraudulent claim, but chase refuses to challenge a false claim

Date of experience: May 12, 2021