I requested Caleb Warren to please refer me to an orthopedic or neurologist because both my arms were so painful that I was having trouble using either one of them. He said that my arms were fine and he'd send me to physical therapy to strengthen them. He obviously has zero knowledge of polio or the after effects of the disease. Exercise is NOT something used for polio weakness.
I offered to bring him a copy of the last nerve conduction test done in 2008 that shows already 75% reduction in the deltoid nerve/muscle in the particular arm he refused to accept that had been damaged from the polio I had 70 years ago. He refused to refer me EVEN after I took the results of that nerve conduction test done in 2008 to his office. Whether the issue is post-polio related or anything else he laughed when I expressed concern over me losing the function of my arms. He was very condescending to me and in his ignorance I'm still trying to get this issue taken care of.
This man should not be practicing medicine if he's uneducated in polio and UNWILLING to just google post polio. He laughed at me telling him what post polio is and the effects from it. Please stay away from this person unless you just need an antibiotic. His refusal to refer me has cost me time in dx whatever is causing this.
BTW this man is affiliated with the hospice I was slammed into last Dec. I should have never been put into hospice and it took me 4 months before I could get a Dr to see me. Once I got the Dr to see me he faxed the UT Hospice to immediately cease and stop all hospice services! This Dr Warren was associated with UT Hospice so I'm sure he had issue with me anyway. This UT Hospice was receiving big money to keep me in their program. What a Medicare Scam!