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I wasn't able to find affordable long term care insurance on Everything is way to expensive and I don't think it's worth it. I seems like I would be better off investing my own money and self-insuring rather than buying long term care insurance.

Date of experience: May 22, 2013
New York
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My husband and I bought LTC insurance 6 years ago. When recent news broke that we would face a 60% premium increase we were devastated. With $27,000 in you don't want to walk away but that's what we are going to do.

After researching Genworth and LTC, frankly I don't understand how we didn't see this coming. They have been in financial disaster for years. The company lied to shareholders and have been sued by shareholders. Their stocks have plummeted and their credibility is damaged. In 2014, trying to please shareholders, CEO Tom McInerney worsened the situation for policyholders by getting permission from state regulators to raise rates 47%. He nor Genworth care about their clients, all they care about is profit.

Also the more I read about LTC in general the further I want to stay away from it. It seems policy costs will constantly rise and coverage will constantly lessen. There are well known journalists and analysts who agree LTC is a flawed insurance policy, it is not a solution or a viable product when it comes to caring for the aging because companies can not cover their costs and the business is unprofitable. Some major companies already stopped selling it. Actually Genworth stopped selling policies in states that did not approve huge rate hikes.

At first we were extremely upset about letting LTC insurance go, after all who doesn't want that peace of mind. But after researching and discussing the topic we believe it's the right choice.

Date of experience: February 13, 2016