Competitions Guide

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I find the way that you can sort and tag competitions to enter, makes it very worthwhile and not a painful, time-consuming chore. Only if they could send personalised notifications of any prizes I've one! Btw, I've won a night away at a lux hotel and makeup bag for my wife. So quite happy for the minimal outlay

Date of experience: June 9, 2023
Craig S. Competitions Guide Rep
over a year old

Thanks so much, Glenn! We'd love to be able to notify you of wins, but as you'd know we don't have any contact with the businesses running the comps. Nice couple of prizes, hoping for some more!

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Follow Mel S.
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Competitions Guide for a small annual fee of about $40 lists a variety of new comps every day. All comps are vetted to ensue that your entry will not bombard you with annoying spam.
Plenty of free entry comps, some require a little creative effort, and/or sign up to receive newsletters. Some comps require shop to enter.
No annoying surveys or forums to maintain membership.
Very easy management of comps with favourites, green tick to indicate I have entered, red cross to indicate I am not interested plus a notes function where I can add helpful info (daily entry, weekly entry, 25wol..., submit recipe etc).

Date of experience: June 27, 2023
Craig S. Competitions Guide Rep
over a year old

Wow, Mel, thank you for a glowing and detailed review. Glad that you use some of the functions available as this makes comping a lot easier to manage. Very much appreciated :)

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Follow Sarah J.
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Great variety
June 5, 2023

Competitions Guide has always had a great variety of comps, varied with 25 words or less, shop comps, or simple entries.
I am, however, noticing a lot more 'shop to enter' comps than an easy click to enter from the comps website.
It's been many years, and now, whilst I'm not checking daily, I do at least check Competitions Guide weekly for the buzz.

Date of experience: June 4, 2023
Craig S. Competitions Guide Rep
over a year old

Hi Sarah, thanks so much for the review. Shop to enter comps made up 95% of all our listings when we started in 2005. Now the number seems to stick at around 20% meaning 80% are free. We do try and keep the mix at around the same!

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Follow Denice A.
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Joined to be able to enter more competitions so I could have easier access and save time. I am a full time carer for my ill husband and wanted to increase my changes of winning a treat or more for a surprise not Surveys and buying entry tickets. I paid for the annual premium membership.

Date of experience: June 2, 2023
Craig S. Competitions Guide Rep
over a year old

Hi Denice,

Firstly, very sorry to hear about your husband and hope things are as best as they can possibly be under the circumstances.

Unfortunately we don't get to dictate what makes up the competitions market but we do try to maintain a mix of entry types each day. By far our biggest category is 60 second entry (we have currently 6 pages of these). The comp listed today for Canadian Club is a regular visitor that provides a lot of prizes - almost 5,000 up for grabs!

Ticketed comps make up only a tiny fraction of the total list. Survey competitions also aren't great in number but they do vary in length.

Competitions requiring a purchase of any type make up 20% or so of the total, but please don't disregard them as they can provide the best odds of winning a big prize, or often one of thousands of runner up prizes!

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Follow Michelle A.
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I have been a Competitions Guide member now for over 4 years. Over this time I have won an all expenses paid holiday to New Zealand, tonnes and tonnes of beauty products, groceries, voucher just to name a few. It is so worth paying for the subscription because I have won that money back over and over again.

Date of experience: June 5, 2023
Craig S. Competitions Guide Rep
over a year old

Wow Michelle, great bunch of wins. If you're every happy to appear in the media with your collection please drop us a line. Love the review, thanks!

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Re sign
July 18, 2023

Very happy with all but disappointed on the auto re sign up Should give notice if you if you want to go around for another year and not find money taken out of your account without notice But like I said very happy with them

Date of experience: July 17, 2023
Craig S. Competitions Guide Rep
over a year old

Hi Mark, thanks for the rating, very much appreciated. We take on board all feedback, especially in regards to payment systems. Generally members who don't want to auto renew will cancel on the first day, with most of the balance in the first 7 days. The issue with emails sent directly from our business is that less than 5% of are opened, meaning our unopen rate of approx 95% would be enough to ensure pretty much every email we send goes to spam. Large unopen rates then lead to further spam and blocking penalties from Gmail, Hotmail, Bigpond etc. Fortunately we get very few complaints relating to this, but fully understand that this can be an issue!

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Follow JAMES G.
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June 22, 2023

Absolutly a waste of time, all they want is your Email address so they can send crap that is of no importance to you. There are not enough competitions for Men, its all about Ladies make up & kids stuff. If they had more stuff for Men i would not have Cancelled my membership.And this is what i mean, at the end of this they want me to sign up so they can post my review.BULL$#*!

Date of experience: June 22, 2023
Craig S. Competitions Guide Rep
over a year old

Hi James,

A couple of things first up, the only things we send to your email address is our daily newsletter, which just lets members know new and closing comps. A lot of members choose to unsubscribe, but we average just under 7,000 daily opens so it's not a wasted activity.

Remember we don't control the competitions market, and every competition prize is fully disclosed before you sign up. Competitions are heavily skewed towards women, and 85% of our audience is female. This has always been the case.

BUT there's a positive in that Men's comps get a fraction of the entries and the odds of winning are so much better. That's why our winner's pages have a lot of men featured - you still have half a year on your Go Premium membership, so take another look through the blokey comps and give them a go, you may be surprised!

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Auto renewal
October 3, 2023

I wasn't aware it was an auto renewal and as soon as I was charged I contacted them to ask for a refund. Given the rise in cost of living (and the fact there is no reminder or prompt to users advising them a payment is coming up) I would say this is completely unfair and unethical.
I would discourage others from using Competitions Guide and would highly recommend OzBargain as an alternative

Date of experience: October 3, 2023
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Great Time Saver
September 7, 2022

I joined a few years ago and went premium not long after. I don't visit every day but a couple of times a week I pick out 10 or so comps to enter. Haven't won a major prize yet but heaps of smaller prizes including a Gold Coast weekend away and $500 IGA voucher!

Date of experience: September 7, 2022
Craig S. Competitions Guide Rep
over a year old

Hi Jennifer, thanks for your comments, very appreciated! Not sure how many prizes 'heaps' is, but it seems like quite a good run rate for as little as 10 a week (out of 70 listed). Well done!

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Good variety of comps
February 1, 2023

Joined and then went premium soon after, first prize won within a week or 2, site is awesome with a good range of competitions. I go on about once a week and do the newer ones but I dislike how I can't go down the list and open the competition in a new tab, it just reopens the same page again and the backwards and forwards is annoying.

Date of experience: January 31, 2023
Craig S. Competitions Guide Rep
over a year old

Hi Michelle, thank you for the positive review, as you can imagine we love them. I know this is belated but if you're still having the same issue can you please drop us a line? Each page should open in a new tab, so not sure why this would be happening.


Competitions Guide has a rating of 3.8 stars from 43 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Competitions Guide ranks 2nd among Contests sites.
