Compare and Recycle
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Good site
August 26, 2020

Sold a few phones over the years and wasted a lot of time choosing which company to use each time. Seeing all the companies in one place makes it a lot easier. Noticed Mazuma were missing but when I looked them up myself their prices we no where near the companies listed here anyway,

Date of experience: August 26, 2020
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I kept seeing Mazuma and Envirofone adverts on television which made me aware of mobile phone recycling and I had a couple of old phones laying around so I decided to go ahead with it. I typed Mazuma into Google and found Compare and Recycle which compared a number of mobile recycling companies.

I was glad I stumbled across Compare and Recycle as I found Mazuma were not offering the best price for my old Nokia N95 8GB. I was actually able to get nearly £15 by using another site.

I've since seen a couple of other mobile recycling price comparison sites but none of them were as clutter-free and easy to use as Compare and Recycle. I was thoroughly recommend this site to anyone looking to sell an old mobile phone since you can get a lot more than the more well known sites usually offer.

Date of experience: October 1, 2010
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Not worth it
January 23, 2018

The price i got for my old Nexus 7 was not an offer but a pure scam. I would get much more if I only ask a random person on the streets. Not worth it at all.

Date of experience: January 23, 2018