Comic Book Movie

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I follow them on Twitter and they have good comic book news and interest tidbits. The website is a bit cluttered for my taste. Some videos play upon the page opening. Sometimes the sound is on, sometimes it's off.

Their videos are interesting and worth watching. It's a good website for comic book news. I wish it made better use of the space it has.

I've learned stuff I could've found out on my own, but that's why they exist to help people who are into comic book news to get the info in one spot without searching for it.

I've seen them grow from year to year and they've gotten better.

Date of experience: March 16, 2018
South Carolina
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Its basically the same reviews by different people, constant pop ups and a bunch of trolls.
Headlines that are not what is in the article.

Date of experience: June 8, 2021