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Great reverse engineering information on latest hardware. Was able to find the latest hardware design win in apple iphone 5s A7 foundry partner was actually made by Samsung Apple's biggest competitor. Broadcom for the WiFI SoC, Cirrus for Apple-branded audio chips, Qualcomm for the LTE, Sony for the primary image sensor, and STMicroelectronics for the MEMS devices.

Great reverse engineering info for companies can be purchased here also.
For example. If you are looking at the Ambarella A7-B0-RH chip you can get the Samsung S4LL011X01 Die *******@USD 200,
Samsung S4LL011X01 Poly die *******@USD 2,500
Ambarella A7 Image Processor Functional Analysis *******@USD 5,000

Date of experience: September 21, 2013