
How would you rate ChessLecture?
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Their videos are for the most part very instructional. I have played chess for over 30 years but have still learned a lot from viewing these videos over the last few years. It is unfortunate that they now longer abide by their advertisement which is: 'You can watch a new chess video every day, Monday through Friday'. Now they typically post 3 videos Monday through Friday and then get the last two on Saturday and Sunday. I often see that 'Mondays' video is actually up late Tuesday. Very discouraging!

Date of experience: February 9, 2011
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Follow Jeff A.
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The concept is good, the execution is good (videotaped lectures on chess by masters and grandmasters), the cost is reasonable (it's a subscription website), but the connectivity issues the site has had for years are a deal-breaker. The IT team at can't seem to get its act together on how to reliably stream the videos to customers. If the site could resolve the connectivity issues once and for all, I would give it the highest possible rating.

Date of experience: November 27, 2010
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Chess and Life.
January 23, 2021

Chess has a very special place in my life. We enjoy playing with my wife and kids. Thanks to this site, we had the opportunity to improve ourselves online. Thank you.

Date of experience: January 23, 2021