Chapman Fine Arts

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If you enjoy horse racing art, or related art,... then this is a must see web site for you.

Tom Chapman, retired thoroughbred jockey, turned professional artist, is highly knowledgeable, dynamic and gives the viewer something real and meaningful to look at. Tom pours his heart and soul into his paintings, and it truly shows.

Tom paints other subject matter also, including birds, domestic pets, and various wildlife, and much more too. He offers paintings, giclee' prints, poetry prints, greeting/ holiday cards, mousepads, and more, all at affordable prices too! I highly recommend anything he sells also. I own several of the products including a couple of Tom's original oil paintings, and a few Giclee' prints, and various other things. So I do speak from the heart when I say, Get over there, it's worth your time, and it's a great experience to browse or do a little shopping there!

A wonderful way to relax, is to go over to, and spend some time browsing, if you love fine art,... then this is one fine artist that shouldn't be overlooked! Enjoy!

Date of experience: May 13, 2013