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This is a useful tool that will help you to manage your social media posts effectively. For example, I have a website where I also write articles. I want to promote those articles on social media, so instead of copying the long link, I shorten it with Capsulink - it looks better and saves space. Then, I go to my Capsulink profile and can see the overview of all the links Ive posted and which have been clicked more, which less. This gives me good insights on what topics my readers like better.

Date of experience: November 7, 2017
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The Review Of Capsulink
November 8, 2017

I started using Capsulink a few months ago. I really like that its so easy to use. I use it for very basic purposes - I need to make some links shorter when I put them in presentations and online documents, and share them with others. I dont personally need to create branded links so the free plan is sufficient for me. I imagine that for some companies the opportunity to create links with their company name in them would be useful as well.

Date of experience: November 8, 2017