I came upon Byrdie.com when I was researching how to minimize facial pores. (A friend of mine asked me to do this, ahem... It wasn't for myself!). Anyway, I started looking at several of her or his (I don't really know who Byrdie is or if s/he is a group of people) articles, and I found them to be very helpful, interesting, and practical. Byrdie seems to focus on SKINCARE, at least that's what I was seeing. What I liked was that although "she" did recommend some higher priced items, she also listed more bargain brands that did the same thing. She also had many DIY ideas that are truly simple to do. And she also had advice from Dermatologists and experts. It is a really well-rounded site. She mentions parsley water as a pore-reducer and toxin-eliminator in one article. (I say "she" because Byrdie reminds me of a female name and most females are interested in skincare.)
The reason for 4 Stars is that I Usually shop on Amazon, and most of the products that she recommends on her site are from different websites. But that's just me, and it doesn't affect the quality of her articles. She isn't just promoting products. She is actually giving really great skin care advice for all ages.
Answer: It's legit. She doesn't sell her own products. She suggests products already on the market. She writes articles, mainly about skincare.
Answer: I had many questions about how to reduce pores on my face. She mentioned some inexpensive products that were comparable to expensive ones. She also had DIY recipes for skincare, and one with parsley to open and detox pores was easy and effective.