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I have no idea how effective this site is in garnering reviews for your book should they accept you into their closely gate-kept program, because they always reject my professionally formatted, pre-release, original books and never provide any reason as to why. They won't even email you an update that your application has been rejected. They just change the status on their site and you have to keep checking it independently yourself. And don't even bother clicking that 'why' was my application rejected button you see depicted in the image below. That won't be specific to your book. It's just a page of generic reasons like "your book was released over 30 days ago" etc and a host of other things that were not the case for my application at least. My theory is they have too few readers to give reviews to anyone without sway or previous experience on their site, but if that is the case, then they should just state that outright on their home page and not let people waste their time applying.

Date of experience: February 8, 2024