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New York
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Save energy one search at a time - Because a black screen requires a monitor to use less power to display images compared to a white screen, Blackle, the black version of the Google search engine, was created to enable users to save energy with each search. The extent of the potential energy savings is still under debate - Blackle's creators, Heap Media, credit a blog predicting an energy savings of 750 Megawatt hours a year: There are also limitations (e.g. It has been found to have zero effect on LCD screens), and user cost may be incurred in terms of the readibility of black web pages (though some may find that staring at a black screen is actually easier on the eyes), but it's an innovative and thought-provoking development and a reminder that there are little things we can do everyday that can add up to contribute to saving energy.

Date of experience: October 15, 2008
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Don't use google, use blackle and save our planet - Okay so is just google with a black screen, but it save so much energy the entire world should change to use it. DO IT NOW! BOOKMARK IT AND STOP USING GOOGLE!

Date of experience: October 23, 2008
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I have no lightbulbs. All i use is my computer. Ive changed my homepage to blackle and my bill has actually gone up. It is blackle. It is a lie.

Date of experience: November 3, 2015