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BGR is one of those websites I check out a couple times per week. They have great insight and reviews on technology and their deals section is an excellent place to discover deals on things from Amazon that you may or may not need!

Date of experience: July 29, 2019
6 reviews
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As an academic-based healthcare professional, I made the mistake of trusting on Apple News during the flurry of COVID-19 info. I was leery in the first few months, did not initially notice errors in reporting, and trusted when they repeatedly claimed that AccuMed KN95 masks were "NIOSH-approved" and "FDA-approved." It's NOT true. And that error is a potentially dangerous one. I made the mistake of spreading that info to large number of professional colleagues, in addition to making a large expensive purchase.

About two weeks ago, I again noticed false statements made on their site. Now, I try to avoid reading what they say in order to prevent confusion or believing false information. I have no idea how often this occurs, but more than once about an important subject is too many for a site whose title isn't obviously iffy... and translates to two stars.

I don't know whether it's more a matter of them having "rookie" reporters who don't verify their statements -- or whether they are just out to make money, even if info they provide is untrue.

Date of experience: February 3, 2021